click on the title above for a fun slideshow
This was a really cool trip, because I got to go on the road with a couple of blond cuties -- Dana and Karen. YEAH! I've never driven myself, cos I don't have a license and I'm too short to see over the wheel, but Dana found a way to let me help her do that. Yipee!! WAY fun.
We went to Fredericksburg, Texas; a little historic Texas town lots of Texans like to go to on long weekends. And as you can see by the pic of me and Dana in front of the sign advertising Luckenbach, that place is really in the sticks!
We also went to Luckenbach, Texas, to see if Willie, Waylon & the boys were there. They say “Everybody is Somebody in Luckenbach” and I felt very important with Karen and Dana right there in the center of things!
We went to a restaurant/bar and sat outside with some of the “locals”. We met Charlie and his dog (Deputy Dog). I think I had too much to drink (ya think?) because if you look really close at one of those pictures, they caught me getting a little Frisky with Dana (note minkey hand in blond girl's blouse). And that dad-burned Deputy Dog was licking me and biting me and then in another pic, he actually had me hanging upside down! It as very scary, and I thought I might come back without a head ... until Dana finally rescued me!
In several pics, you can see me with Deputy Dawg -- and in another, more peaceful scene, with Mr. Kitty. I liked him. He was the night watchman in a restaurant and bar we went to. See --everyone of every species is somebody in Luckenbach!!
Not too big a surprise to everyone who knows me -- one of my favorite places was the Torre di Pietra Vineyards. We went there to shop and do a little wine-tasting, and I sneaked a few extra swigs while Dana and Karen weren't looking ..... AND I snagged a great big ole bottle of wine just for me. It was called “Dirty Girl” ... a perfect name for a bottle of wine, cos I like dirty girls and wine the best!! You can see me hanging tight onto my bottle in my favorite picture of the bunch.
I'm going to Paris, France next (oooh lala!) with another friend my mom works with. Don't forget to check back regularly here for that trip and more for the future!
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Talk to me! You won't be sorry you did. I can be sassy and feisty, and love to have fun with everybody ... whether it's traveling with new friends or talking with them here on my blog. I'll be adding pictures and trips as I get them set up, so stay tuned.