Please click on the title to see a really fun slideshow.
Aneta did a great job!

Hi there! It's the Minkster, and I'm in Poland with a beautiful girl I've traveled with before named Aneta.
She and her family are from Poland, so the Mink got a real "insider's view" on this trip! Instead of me telling you what we did there, I'll just use the emails Aneta sent back to work to the team she works with (which includes Minkey Mama and several other peeps I've traveled with). Here goes:
Subject: Minkey's 1st Day in Krakow - He's not Behaving!!
Hey guys,
I just wanted to let you all know that after 24 hours intransit and 4 plane changes, Minkey and I finally made it to my motherland. Most flights were fine ... I even got two seats on the one to London. But the last plane had mechanical problems before take-off, which made me pretty nervous, but at that point I was so exhausted, I just passed out.
When I woke up, I was greeted by my mom, dad, and beautiful 75 degree weather! I already had some of Ula's cooking and visited lots of polish bakeries on my first day here -- in fact, I'm so full I can't fall asleep, so i decided to drop you guys a few lines. I hope you all are doing great and I'm looking forward to hearing from you
NOTE: See the title of the email up there that Aneta sent to our team at work from Poland? The subject is: "He's not behaving!" ... just shamelessly ratting out the Mink to everyone. She'd better watch it or she'll be toast before we get back. Grrrrrrrrrr. I think she forgot that I AM an animal. Guess it's time to remind her. Now back to Aneta's emails ...
Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well.
I've been spending lots of time with friends and traveling the country to visit my family. My mom and I have been trying to find time to sight-see as well. We visited a replica of an 18th century Polish town, toured the Jewish part of Krakow, and hiked the Tatra mountains. The weather is fabulous, so we get to do a lot of outdoor activities. I have a million pics, but I'll have to share them with you when I get back in 2 weeks.
My family and friends are desperately trying to find me a husband. I told them that while I love all of them and enjoy my time in Poland, I wouldn't move back unless I got proposed to by a prince of some sort. They're on a mission and don't seem to be giving up.
I got to catch up with all of my close friends from high school, but one lunch date just isn't enough. My schedule is really packed as I'm trying to spend as much time with everyone as I can.
I did get to go out and experience the Krakow night life as well. It's amazing! All the clubs/bars are in the basements of the Old Town. There are a bunch of foreigners here even if I didn't like to dance, I would be 100% happy just to people-watch. You see a lot of pretty wild characters out here. Everyone has their own individual style and embraces it. People don't judge, and let you be yourself.
I be also been trying to help my dad out with his household chores. He lives on the 5th floor of an old building, and he walks the stairs every day carrying groceries. I'm less than half his age, and it takes me 5 minutes to catch my breath once I make my way up there!
I've attached some pics of Minkey and my family for your amusement.
Oh, and shopping is to die for! My mom had to hide my money from me after my first trip to Krakow's Galleria. I am NOT allowed to go there any more. Everything is nice and fashionable, but very, very expensive.
Pics Attached:
mom's sisters
minkey and i using an old 18th century latrine
my girls and i at my new condo
sex shop sign
hanging out with a bachelor on his last nite of freedom
My 5 year old nephew Hubert, who knows more about electronics than I do.
Talk to you peeps later! Aneta
And here's part of an email from Minkey Mama to Aneta after she saw that naughty "sex sign" with the Mink being held up right in front of it:
Hey, girl --- I said Polish signs --- NOT SEX SHOP SIGNS!! I'll bet he tried to get you to buy him something in there. Is THAT how he's mis-behaving? You're donig an AMAZING job on the pics, but you should put his clothes on so he doesn't shock people with the hot pink speedo he had on when you left!
And here's Aneta's answer:
hehehe ... don't worry, you'll get some Polish signs ... but I had to take a pic of the Mink with that sign ... I just had to :) Tomorrow, I'll try and take some more ... I'm having so much fun doing that! And promise ... I'll put his pants on asap.
Hey, it's Minkey again. As you can tell, we had a fabulous time, and were gone almost a month!
The trip was extremely interesting: Aneta's family and home life, her friends, Poland club scene, historic places in Poland, Krakow (town square, etc.), beautiful Polish landscapes, yummy Polish food (homemade and bakeries), and lots more.
My next trip is the NORTH POLE! I'm going there to see reindeer, the ididerad dog team (and new puppies), Alaskan scenery, etc. And last but not least ....THE MINKSTER IS MEETING THE REAL SANTA CLAUS in his own village!!
Yipppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I won't be able to settle down til I go.
Gotta run now. Need to get some new clothes.
xxxooo Later!
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