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Wow! Was this ever a cool trip. The Minkster was the Star of the Show!
I went to stay with a friend and landscape customer of Minkey Mama's in Ottawa named Germaine. She spoke some sort of language Minkey didn't understand. It was real fancy, and my mom said it was French.Germaine was shocked at how tiny I am when my little crate arrived at her house. Minkey mama put all these holes in it so I didn't arrive DEAD, but I'm surprised I was alive, cos those post men really throw stuff around! Minkey is a witness, because I was right there when they did it.
ANYway, I do photograph much larger than I am. It's because the Minkster is larger than life and has STAR Quality! hehe That's what Minkey mama says. I never brag, of course.
Germaine had some kids, so I got to hang out with all of them for over a month. They were lots of fun, and took me to a really special place called Parliament Hill.
Parliament Hill was very historic and had all sorts of cool buildings and beautiful old statues and things. Germaine made sure I got to pose at and on just about everything!
I hope she didn't climb too high on any of those statues, because they were really HUGE and she would have been risking her life. I bet lots of people were staring at her too, wondering what in the heck she was doing sticking a little red monkey on everything!
I posed with Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth, several men who were part of Canada's history, and some bronze ladies having tea and stuff (I of course, had to sit in their big tea cups!).
I also got to see where the Canadian Mounties keep their horsies. Their gear and the colors of ther uniforms were so pretty. They like red in that country just like Americans do. They do the changing of the guard there just like in England.
They also have a huge, beautiful clock tower that reminded the Mink of Big Ben in London. It's at the Parliament Buildings and is called the Peace Tower. We saw their library too, and it's nothing like ours at home. It's really old and fancy and has a pointy top!
Like everyone who takes me on their trips, I got put in a few dangerous places. One was a tall, black iron gate overlooking Parliament. I think it may have been around the Alexandria Bridge which is the gateway to Quebec. Minkey Mama said since it's near Quebec, that's probably why Germaine speaks French.
The other dangerous place was a huge round thing called the Peace Flame that she laid me on. If they'd lit it when the Minkster was there, he would have had a tail missing. YIKES!!
Well, that's all I have to say ( and all I know ) about Ottawa. It's a very cool place, and everyone should take the time to go see it if they have a chance. Canada is so beautiful and green, Minkey just loves it there.
The Mink has to go now and get ready for a trip to the chiropractor with one of my peeps at work. They bend and crack your body in ways it's not supposed to go!
Catch y'all later!
Luv, Minkey xxxooo
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